Sunday, December 14, 2014



Mujahidin Agus

SMA Negeri 3 Palopo
Jln. Andi Djemma No. 52 Kota Palopo

Karya tulis ini memperkenalkan dan membahas satu jenis alat percobaan sederhana yang terbuat dari botol plastik bekas hasil rancangan penulis sendiri. Fenomena alam yang ditampilkan adalah elastisitas udara, tekanan udara terbuka,
tekanan udara tertutup, peristiwa angin atau perpindahan kalor secara konveksi, dan peristiwa hujan. Melalui penggunaan alat percobaan ini, guru dapat menerapkan pembelajaran dengan metode inkuiri, yaitu pembelajaran yang memungkinkan siswa dapat menemukan sendiri substansi pengetahuan yang dipelajarinya. Siswa dapat melihat dan membuktikan langsung proses kejadian fenomena tersebut yang sama dengan kejadian sebenarnya di alam.

Penggunaan alat percobaan pada empat kelas paralel di kelas X menunjukkan hasil yang memuaskan. Alat percobaan tersebut dapat meningkatkan semangat dan keaktifan siswa dalam belajar. Semua siswa terlibat dalam pembuatan dan penggunaannya. Di bawah bimbingan guru, mereka belajar secara aktif, menemukan, dan memahami materi ajar secara mandiri melalui eksperimen sendiri. Siswa dapat membiasakan diri bersikap ilmiah melalui kegiatan pengamatan, analisis, dan penetapan kesimpulan terhadap fenomena alam yang diperagakan. Siswa dapat mengerti apa yang dipelajarinya dan tidak sekadar mengingatnya. Selanjutnya, melalui pembuatan laporan dan diskusi siswa dilatih dalam mengemukakan ide dan pendapatnya sehingga aspek kognitif, afektif, dan psikomotoriknya dapat berkembang secara simultan. Sebagai hasil, penguasaan siswa terhadap materi ajar yang disajikan lebih meningkat.

Kata Kunci: Alat percobaan, inkuiri, fenomena alam

The using of good and right experimental tool is an important factor to fulfill teaching purposes. However, the teacher faces a common problem, the lack of experimental tools. The school cannot realize all of teacher’s need.

Actually, the problem can be solved if teachers have creativity. In fact, teachers have to be designed and used experimental tool or media in teaching, especially for science. Then, some of the needed teaching aids can be fulfilled without buying the built-up things. The alternate effort is create experimental tool by using waste or disposal materials in order to reduce the expenditure.

The experimental tool is useful to present the real of natural phenomena in to the classroom, especially which cannot be witnessed directly in the real world or difficult to be seen and observed without sophisticated equipment. For examples, the difference of air pressure according to the air temperature, air elasticity, wind occurrence and heat transfer by convection process.

Even though now a day there are too many kinds of computer-base learning sources, but not all of schools have those facilities, mainly which located in remote area. Besides that, those facilities cannot serve adequately the students’ need of affective and psychomotor activities.

The making and using of experimental tool – especially made by student – could enhance students’ idea, creativity, innovation, curiosity, and analyzing capabilities.

The spirit of competition, togetherness, and respect each other also could be rose during the learning process. The inquiry method is suitable to be applied. Then the student can learn something by their own experience and witnessing directly the real occurrence. They can find, know, and think those phenomena by using their all capabilities. The student can accustom their attitude and competency to be more sensitive about scientific process. Therefore, they can be trained to conduct research, experiment, and make report related to the observation, analyzing, and conclusion activities. Consequently, the teacher has to be motivated to create experimental tools or other teaching aids in order to convey their teaching materials better than before.

According to the fulfillment of experimental tool, this paper is purposed to introduce a new plain experimental tool used to teaching about atmosphere phenomena. It will also be discussed about its effectiveness in enhancing the student’s participation in learning process and their degree of cognitive competency.

The experimental tool is designed and made by the writer. It’s attractive and important enough because of its function to demonstrate nature phenomena similar to the true occurrence. In other hand, it is easy to make and low cost in relation to waste or disposal materials using. And the most important is its multi-function factor, can be use to demonstrate several atmosphere phenomena:
1.  Air elasticity/simple thermometer.
2.  Air pressure of opened space,
3.  Air pressure of closed space,
4.  Wind occurrence or heat transfer by convection process, and
5.  Rain.

It is expected that the using of this tool will make the teacher could teach those topics in easier way. This paper is also purposed to become an inspiration for other teachers to design, make, and use better experimental tools for their class. It is also purposed that by using this tool therefore the student’s participation on learning process will more active. And absolutely, it is hoped that the cognitive, affective, and psychomotor competencies of students will significantly increase and they can apply it in daily life.

The model of the recommended experimental tool as seen on Figure 1.

Figure 1. The experimental tool, ready to use
2.1.  How to Make
It is needed some equipments and materials in making this experimental tool, i.e.:
a.   Cutter/sharp knife and whiteboard marker.
b.   One piece of big transparent plastic bottle and its cap.
c.   One piece of little transparent plastic bottle and its cap.
d.   One piece of transparent straw of drinking water cup.
e.   Multipurpose glue.
f.    Disposal sandal.

The steps of making process are:
a.   Draw a sketch of 3 x 9 cm rounded corner hole on the side of both bottles. Make these holes by using sharp knife.
b.   Put the little bottle on the hole of the big bottle (their hole is up) and adjust the right position. The position of the little bottle can be the same direction with the big bottle or not. Make sure that there is no gap between the edges of the hole with the body of the little bottle.
c.   Apply the glue to around of the edges of the big bottle then put back the little bottle on right place to the big bottle’s hole. Lift the little bottle from the hole and apply glue at the trace of the big bottle’s glue. Apply more glue to the edges of the big bottle’s hole. Let the glue dry enough.
d.   Replace the little bottle to the right position on the hole of the big bottle. Make sure that the edge of hole is fitted and attached to the body of the little bottle. Add glue to around of the attachment place of both bottles. Let the glue dry enough before apply more glue to ensure there is no hole anymore.
e.   Make a hole (1 cm) on the cap of the little bottle. Put back this cap to the bottle.
f.    Make a little hole on the big bottle, 7 cm from its bottom. The size of the hole is fitting to the straw of drinking water cup. The hole is the same direction and near from the little bottle.
g.   Enter the straw to the hole by its sharp edge first. This edge must reach the inner side of the big bottle.
h.   Apply the glue to around of the hole and straw. Make sure there is no leakage.
i.     Check the leakage of the big bottle. Shut the hole of straw with your finger and blow the big bottle on its mouth.
j.    Apply the glue again if there is still any leakage.
k.   Cut the sandal and make one square about 7 x 7 cm. Divide it in two triangles by cutting its diagonal. Cut one of their edges to parabolic shape. Apply the glue on its parabolic edge. Apply also the glue to the middle sides of the big bottle – the little bottle must on the top position. Put the triangles to the both sides of the big bottle and ensure it is strong enough to hold the bottles and cannot overturned.
l.     The experimental tool is ready to use.

2.2.  How to Use
Prepare these equipments and materials before using the experimental tool:
1.   Plastic cup, one piece.
2.   Spoon, one piece.
3.   One bowl of hot water.
4.   Ice block and one bowl of cool water.
5.   Food coloring, one spoon.
6.   Anti mosquito stick and matches.

Because of this experimental tool has some functions, therefore its using is also varies. However, it is suggested that all of those will better if be done inside a room, free of wind.
1.     Experiment of elasticity of the air and air pressure on closed space
The steps of this experiment are:
a.     Pour the food coloring into the hot water and stir it well. Take the ice block and mix it into the cool water.
b.     Put the experimental tool on its bottom to upright position. Pour the hot water into the big bottle until the water level near to the straw and then close the big bottle using its cap.
c.     Put down the tool on its sandal holders to laying position (the little bottle lying on it).
d.     Observe what happen to the water inside the big bottle and the straw.
e.     If the hot water is finish to discharging out, pour the cool water into the little bottle. Keep that the level of cool water is below of the hole on little bottle’s cap.
f.      Observe what happen to the water inside the straw.

The occurrence phenomena are the hot water will spewing out through the straw. However, it will stop and the water inside the straw slowly descending back to the big bottle. When the cool water is poured into the little bottle, the water in the straw will down faster then it will make bobbles at the end of straw in the water of the big bottle. This experiment is proved that the volume of the air expanded (flexible) and produces force to push the hot water and make it ejected through the straw.   

2.     The experiment of air pressure on the opened space and wind or heat transfer by convection process on the air
The ways to do this experiment are:
a.     This experiment is sequence of previous experiment.
b.     Burn the anti mosquito stick to get its smoke. Put its smoke on the mouth of the little bottle. Observe the motion of the smoke. Move the stick to above of cool water in the little bottle. Observe again its motion of smoke.
c.     The next step, replace the cool water in the little bottle with hot water (colored or not). Put the smoke stick like earlier experiments then observe the motion of smoke. Compare both experiments.
d.     Compare the velocity of smoke motion in to or out of the bottle if the bottle’s cap is moved (the bottle’s mouth is opened).

By these experiments, it is shown that the smoke will not entering the mouth of the little bottle, the smoke is blown away. In contrast, when the smoke is placed on above of the cool water, the smoke will blow away through the hole of bottle cap. In the other side when the little bottle is filled of hot water, the smoke will sucked into the bottle through the cap’s hole. In contrast, the smoke will moving up to the opened air when the smoke is put on above of hot water (the smoke will not entering the mouth of the little bottle). This experiment is shown how can the wind occur or how the heat is transferred by the motion of molecules of gas and the difference of the air pressure in opened space because of different temperature between two places.

3.     The experiment of rain
This experiment is sequence of the first experiment:
a.     When the tool has been laid on its holders, observe inside of the big bottle.
b.     Compare it when the cool water is poured into the little bottle.

This experiment will shown that the vapors of the hot water will appeared and attached at the inside of the big bottle and at the body of the little bottle inside the big bottle. When the cool water is poured into the little bottle, the size of these vapors will increase. If its size are big enough and weight, it could not attached anymore at the bottle and then flow down to the water in the big bottle. This occurrence could be connoted to the rain process. 

4.     Demonstration of thermometer
This experiment is sequence of the first experiment:
a.     When the tool has been laid on its holders, let it become normal temperature. No motion in water level at the straw and no bobble anymore.
b.     Rub your both hand palms together until warm enough. Touch the body of the big bottle on two sides without pressing it. Observe what happen to the level of water in the straw.
c.     Make comparison if your palms are soaked in cool water for a few minutes before touch the big bottle.
d.     The warm or cool palms can be substitutes by fire of anti mosquito stick and block of ice.

By this demonstration it will shown that the level of the water inside the straw is change. The water level will rising if the big bottle is touched by warm palms.  However, its level will down when touched by cool palms. This could be connotes to the principle work of thermometer. The heat of warm palm makes the volume of the air in the big bottle increasing and pushes the water then the level of the water in the straw is rising. In other side, the cool palm will makes the volume of the air decrease and the water level is down.
 Figure 2. One kind of students’ experiment

2.3.  The Steps of Learning Process in Using the Experimental tool
The implementation of the experimental tool in learning process requires several steps, i.e.:
1.     The making of experimental tool and construct the lesson plan are done by the teacher.
2.     Before the time of learning day, the teacher tells the students about the experiment activities for next meeting. The teacher divides the students into groups; each group has five persons in maximum. The teacher asks every group to bring the equipments and materials for making the experimental tool.
3.     On the meeting day, the teacher shows his/her experimental tool and tells how to make it. The teacher gives direction in detail and checks their steps in making the tool. The teacher notes/checks about the students’ activities to get affective and psychomotor degree.
4.     If the experimental tool is ready to use, the teacher explains how to use it or gives direction sheet. Then, each group uses their own tool to demonstrate or conduct experiment and notes all of their observation results.
5.     The teacher notes/checks about the students’ activities.
6.     If the experiment is finished, each group discusses their own results to explore, analyze, and conclude the phenomena.  
7.     The teacher leads class discussion by asking each group to convey their paper.
8.     The students collect their paper. Evaluation of students’ competency of cognitive aspect is done by evaluation.  

Several considerations those must become attention and requirement in implement this experimental tool are:
1.     Because of time consuming in making the experimental tool related to drying time of glue, maybe it is needed more than one session. Therefore, the student has to finish their tool as homework and then the tool can be used on next session.
2.     It is better if the member of group is five persons in maximum. Thus, every student has chances to participate in learning process; making the tool, experiment, note, discuss, and construct paper report.
3.     It is needed to give caution to the student about using sharp knife, hot water, matches, and classroom clean.
4.     It is recommended that the report of experiment must be done individually. Therefore, every student can express his/her own capabilities and the teacher could evaluate more authentic.
5.     To get more authentic data about students’ activities, it needed involvement of other teacher.

According to the research in four classes (103 students), it gives results that almost all students (84,5%) give high attention when the teacher explain how to make the tool. The higher activities is shown in making process (95,2%) and everyone active in experiment. They looked very enjoy and motivated to know what happen to their experiments. They were yelling to express happiness when their experiment is work. 

High participation was also shown in writing paper and discussion. About 76,7% of students are high actively. This condition higher than other learning process (without experiment). See Table 1 for more detail.

Table 1. Students’ Response to the Experimental tool

Kind of Students’ Response
Degree of Students’ Response
High (%)
Moderate (%)
Low (%)
Σ (%)
Students’ attention when the teacher explain how to make the experimental tool
Students’ participation in making the tool.
Students’ attention when the teacher explains how to do experiment.
Students’ participation in using the tool.
Students’ participation in writing paper and discussion.
Source: Data of checklist

The role of using experimental tool as substitution to present of atmosphere phenomena into classroom is very important. The student can learn natural occurrence directly in a simple way. They can learn to observe carefully, witness, think, explore, analyze, and conclude what they do. They learn through inquiry process by their own experiences. The students can be trained to do research, write papers, discuss, and brave to express their idea and competencies. They can be motivated to develop their curiosity, courage, self confidence, creativity, and respect each other.

The cognitive result of the students is got from evaluation of paper and block test.  According to the result, the students’ mastering of learning materials about the atmosphere phenomena is good. The average of their competency is better than before when they learn other topic without experiment. Their mastering degree also more identical one with other which proved by lower of Standard Deviation. According to the t-Test results, it is derive that the mastering degree of atmosphere phenomena is significantly different to other learning topic between classes and overall. The complete results are written in Table 2.

Table 2. Mastering degree by students

Class X-A
Class X-B
Class X-C
Class X-D
No Tool
With Tool
No Tool
With Tool
No Tool
With Tool
No Tool
With Tool
No Tool
With Tool
t Result
(α 0,05)
t Table
(α 0,05)

Source: Paper and test results of students

The experimental tool is really needed in teaching science because it can present the real evidence and process similar to the true occurrence. As the result of application of this “5 in 1” experimental tool is the competencies of students are better than before. They can learn and train to observe, analyze, and conclude something through inquiry process, i.e. learning something new by their own experiences. The student can develop their all capabilities and express it in many ways; written and oral.
The participation of the student as the subject of learning process also increases, even in making or using the tool, writes paper, and discuss. In other side, the students’ degree of mastering of leaning materials is also increasing and better than other learning material which conveyed without experiment.

As a conclusion, the implementation of the experimental tool is effective in teaching the students about atmosphere phenomena. Therefore, it is recommended for other teachers to apply this tool or modify and arrange better one.


[1]     Direktorat Tenaga Pendidikan, 2001. Menganalisis Hasil Belajar/Bimbingan Siswa, Guru, dan Sumber Daya Pendidikan. Jakarta: Depdiknas.
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·       This research is conducted at SMAN 01 Kamanre (Writer’s former school).
·       The writer has more than 10 experimental tools which have been aplied in teaching.

Figures: Students’ activities


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